Sunday, July 13, 2014


안녕하세요! annyeonghasaeyo, Hello and welcome to My Korean Table!
I am so happy you stopped by.  This blog will hopefully help you create your own Korean Table in your own home. You will find a plethora of recipes, tutorials, stories of success and failure of cooking Korean food.

You may wonder how a gal from the middle of the Midwest came to have such a strong passion for cooking Korean food, well let me tell you....

Right after college I moved to Korea to teach English.  It was supposed to be a 1 year gig, get out of the U.S. and explore the world a bit.  Instead I feel in love with the culture the food and the people and ended up staying for 3 years and getting married!

After getting married the hubby and I decided to move back state side.  After only a few months back in the states we both found ourselves really missing Korean food.  We were lucky enough to have access to a few different Korean markets so through trial and error I was able to replicate some of my hubbies favorite dishes.

hubby and me just about to get married in Korea
I will be sharing my stories with you here, so whether you have been to Korea and really miss the food, are Korean and miss your moms home cooking, or just want to try something new and exciting this is the place for you.

KalGukSu: Seafood and Noodle Soup 

I will do my best to provide you with easy to follow recipes with step by step photo instructions so even if you are a novice in the kitchen you should be able to produce some tasty dishes.  Please feel free to leave comments with questions or tips for others trying their hand at Korean cooking.

NangMyeon: Iced noodles with cucumber, radish, pear and egg

I will try and provide a few different substitution options for those of you who don't have Korean markets near you as well.
As they say in Korea 만나서 반갑습니다 it's nice to meet you.

Sweet Rice cakes with eatable flowers and honey

Let's get cooking!

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