Sunday, August 10, 2014

Gyeran malri : Egg role side dish

The Gaeran role is one of my go to side dishes because it is so quick and easy to make.  When I am at a loss of what to make for dinner I will whip one of these up, some rice and kimchi and some pan fried zucchini really hit the spot.  The best thing about this side dish is that it is good hot or cold so you can eat it a day after preparing it, or bring it for lunch the next day if you have leftovers (hubby and I never have leftovers)

You will need:

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 spring onion finely chopped
  • 2 baby carrots or ¼- ½ a carrot finely chopped
  • Salt to taste
  • 1-3 tsp of oil to coat pan
Here's how to put the whole thing together:

Mix eggs chopped onions and carrots in a bowl.

Heat a small 8-10in frying pan on medium heat and grease with oil. Use a paper towel to soak up any excess oil.

Pour 1/3rd of the mixture into the pan and swirl so it evenly coats the bottom of the pan.

When the egg is mostly cooked through start to role it up using chopsticks or a spatula.

 Move the egg role to one side of the pan and pour in the next 1/3 of the mixture.  Be sure the mixture connects with your egg role on the side of the pan.

When the egg is mostly cooked again and role the new mixture around the small role.

Finish off with your last 1/3 of mixture and role again.

Let sit for 1-2 minutes before slicing into 1 inch slices.

*Serving Suggestions: this dish is good hot or cold and the perfect side dish to almost any meal.

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